questi giorni è in corso la Conferenza Internazionale per la
Resistenza Popolare di Bil'in nella quale partecipano, oltre ai
palestinesi, numerose rappresentative di vari Paesi, fra cui
Il 12 aprile 2012, la Conferenza itinerante ha fatto tappa ad Hebron.
finita la pausa pranzo, i partecipanti alla Conferenza di ritorno dal
ristorante sono stati improvvisamente ed inspiegabilmente attaccati
dall'esercito israeliano.
risultato di questo blitz a parte alcuni feriti, almeno 12 persone
arrestate di cui alcune rilasciate dopo poche ore.
polizia israeliana ha deciso in serata di confermare l'arresto di due
palestinesi, fra cui l'organizzatore della Conferenza e di due
italiani fra cui un nostro compagno dell'ISM.
a tarda serata non ci è stato possibile avere notizie precise
riguardo le loro condizioni.
accuse assolutamente false a loro carico: violenza sui militari e
partecipazione a manifestazione non autorizzata.
parte il fatto che non era in corso nessuna manifestazione giudicate
voi dai video chi è che usa violenza.
La mattina del 13 aprile abbiamo appreso che i due italiani verranno deportati forzatamente in
Italia senza neanche avere diritto ad un processo per difendersi
dalle accuse assolutamente false!
L'ultima notizia è che uno dei due italiani ha rifiutato la deportazione, vedremo questo cosa comporterà.
L'ultima notizia è che uno dei due italiani ha rifiutato la deportazione, vedremo questo cosa comporterà.
che sono certo che a livello ufficiale non verrà fatta nessuna
protesta vi chiedo di intasare la posta dei vari quotidiani
nazionali, dell'ambasciata, dei politici e di chiunque abbia un
minimo di visibilità e “potere” per chiedere chiarezza
ora che Israele la smetta con questa politica arbitraria,
dittatoriale e terrorista! È ora di alzare la voce e che un coro
di protesta popolare ricopra i loro ridicoli piagnistei di
antisemitismo quando qualcuno prova a criticare lo stato di Israele.
Il primo nemico di Israele è la sua stessa politica razzista e
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
In these days
it's in progress the International Conference of Popular
Resistance in Bil'in in which, as well as
Palestinians, representing of
many different countries, including Italy are
On April 12 2012, the itinerant
Conference has stopped in Hebron.
Just after lunch, conference participants returning from the restaurant were suddenly and inexplicably attacked by the Israeli army.
The result of this blitz apart from some wounded at least 12 people arrested some of them released after a few hours.
The Israeli police decided last night to confirm the arrest of two Palestinians, including the organizer of the Conference, and two Italians including one of our ISM comrades.
Until the night it was no possible to have precise information about their conditions.
Absolutely false charges against them: violence against soldiers and participation in an unauthorized demonstration.
Apart from the fact that it was no demonstration you can judge by yourself watching the videos who is using violence.
On April 13 in the morning we have heard that the two Italians will be forcibly deported to Italy without even having the right to defend themselves against totally false charges!
Breaking news: one of the two italian men refused the deportation, we'll see the consequences of this choose.
Since I am certain that at the official level they will not protest I ask you to overload phone and mail of several national newspapers, of the embassy, of politicians and of anyone with the necessary visibility and "power" to ask for clarification about it.
Just after lunch, conference participants returning from the restaurant were suddenly and inexplicably attacked by the Israeli army.
The result of this blitz apart from some wounded at least 12 people arrested some of them released after a few hours.
The Israeli police decided last night to confirm the arrest of two Palestinians, including the organizer of the Conference, and two Italians including one of our ISM comrades.
Until the night it was no possible to have precise information about their conditions.
Absolutely false charges against them: violence against soldiers and participation in an unauthorized demonstration.
Apart from the fact that it was no demonstration you can judge by yourself watching the videos who is using violence.
On April 13 in the morning we have heard that the two Italians will be forcibly deported to Italy without even having the right to defend themselves against totally false charges!
Breaking news: one of the two italian men refused the deportation, we'll see the consequences of this choose.
Since I am certain that at the official level they will not protest I ask you to overload phone and mail of several national newspapers, of the embassy, of politicians and of anyone with the necessary visibility and "power" to ask for clarification about it.
is time for Israel to stop this arbitrary, dictatorial
and terrorist policy! It is time to raise our
voice and that a chorus of popular
protest covers their ridiculous whining about anti-Semitism
when someone tries to criticize the state of
Israel. The first enemy of Israel it's own racist
and inhuman policy!
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